Monthly Archives: August 2008

Rekindling an old love affair…

wentworth miller

In May 2007 I spent some time bonding with my eldest son.

It started my great love affair with Prison Break and Wentworth Miller.

Since then we have tried on several occasions to catch season 2 on UK TV Gold but have always failed in our attempts.

Finally last weekend I found Prison Break season 2, the whole 22 episodes, at a price I could afford.

I am in heaven…   3 episode down 19 to go 🙂

Practice run….

While I am waiting to find the time to make this years Jam, I thought I would make some Lemon curd.

You only make this in a small quantity as it only keeps well for a month,although this will be lucky to last the week.

Its so easy to make,anyone could do it, you will need…

4 eggs

juice from 4 lemons

4oz butter

12oz caster sugar

Place all ingredients into a bowl, stand it over a pan of simmering water.

Stir until the sugar has dissolved and then continue heating and stirring until the curd thickens. (between 20 and 30 mins )

Strain the cooked curd through a fine sieve before putting into jars

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A tip……  beat the eggs before adding to the bowl

Sally’s needs…

Found this great meme over at Ladybanana’s.

The rules: All you have to do is Google your first name with the word needs after it and post the results. (Yourname needs)

Here are a few of my needs….

sally needs 

Home Grown…

In June I planted a crown of rhubarb in my garden.

After following strict instructions from my Dad, 4 weeks later it looked like this…

When I returned from my walking holiday in Les Gets it had more than doubled in size so it was time to cut and use the rhubarb.

Not bad for 10 weeks growth, so hoping it will do wonders next year.

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I made Geoff a rhubarb and ginger crumble..

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Another door opens….

As most of my regular readers will know,I have just finished a Swedish massage course at  Kings Lynn College.

I attended this course once a week for a whole year , made some nice friends and most of all I really really enjoyed the course.

Now I am trying to build up a mobile business, here and in Cambridge, it will take time but I am happy with my progress so far.

The big question was ??…. what would I do with myself now college had finished.

Well today,thanks to Geoff, I  just solved that problem by booking myself a place on the Indian head massage course

Its a shorter course ,of only 18 weeks but I know I will just love it.

Roll on September…   🙂

Do You Live in the Past, Present, or Future?

You Live in the Present

You take things one day at a time.
And it turns out, that’s a pretty great way to live.
You aren’t consumed by the past, and you’re aren’t obsessed with the future.
You live in the now, and you enjoy each moment.
While most people don’t live in the present enough, make sure you don’t live in it too much.
It would be a mistake to forget your past or neglect to plan for the future.

Blog Awards

While I was away I received 2 awards ….

First was from Cherrypie over at Cherie’s place and it was the Art Y Pico award











Second was from JMB over at Nobody Important and that was the Best /Blogging friend Forever award…



Now I am going to break all the rules here and just pass these awards on to everyone that reads my blog, your all special to me !