Very interesting…

Geoff and I tried a little experiment today.image

First he took his blood pressure , which read 145 over 97.

Then I gave him an Indian head massage.

He then re- took his blood pressure and amazingly enough it had dropped to 117 over 87.

One good reason to book a massage ….

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7 thoughts on “Very interesting…

  1. onethoughtfulwoman

    ohhh, that bottom figure is a little naughty to say the least. The top figure is up as well. Just goes to show you what relaxation can do. Can’t wait to be your guinea pig.

  2. Geoff

    Thanks Lady Banana I totally concur with your findings πŸ™‚ Mind you Sally hasn’t put down what preceded the massage πŸ™‚

  3. Lady Banana

    Still a little on the high side I’d say..

    I think you had better give him a massage everyday as the first one was definitely a bit high!

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