Monthly Archives: June 2007

Blogpower Awards

Totally amazing , that I  sallyinnorfolk got nominated in the awards over on Blogpower.

To think that six month ago I didn’t even have a blog…

Anyway I have been nominated for prettiest or tastiest Blog.

Wonder if the mention of nude sunbathing had anything to do with it  🙂

Please go over and vote for me if you think I am pretty or tasty enough, you have till 13th of June.

Gehwol foot creams.

While training for my trip to Corsica I have had a few problems with blisters and sore feet.

I changed my boots and got new socks .

A few people recommended the Gehwol foot creams from backpacking light.

I was reluctant to buy these as they were so expensive,but I decided to treat myself and have not regretted it one little bit.

Not only do they smell real nice but they feel real nice too and leave no greasy after effect.

I especially like the refreshing foot balm , and put that on during the day, usually when I change my socks. Its cool and refreshing and feels great.

Half way….

Well I have become quite addicted to watching Prison break

so addicted we have watched 3 episodes tonight, making that 11 down and 11 more to go….

Think I had better re-join that gym as soon as possible….

Now its time to get my thigh trainer out and put on and get rid of some of my energy

The Sunshine’s…again !

What a great two days with no sign of the rain…

We made the most of it and went nude sunbathing and swimming in the river, at the Riverside club.

The river was exhilarating , cold to get into but nice for swimming….

Then today I finally got my swim in the Jesus Green outdoor pool.

I did a great 10 lengths , and was faster than Geoff , which has to be some kind of miracle. 🙂

A new link…….

On my side bar I now have a new link called my mobile blog.

It will take you to sallyinnorfolk on the move , a blog which I can post too from my mobile phone.

So if I am out and about and get the urge to blog…. I can 🙂

A new project….

With Geoff still away in Copenhagen till tomorrow evening.

I had time to go and visit my Craft club ladies, see what they have all been up too and start a project I have been meaning to start for a few weeks.

Why I want to knit a fluffy bag , I really don’t know !!!

What I will do with it when its finished , I really don’t know !!!

Maybe I will send it to welshcakes as we all know how much so loves hers bags……