A Sunday walk.

After feeling so poorly during the week I was so glad to be feeling much better yesterday.

It meant I was well enough to go on our planned walk with the Cambridge Rambling club.

Of all the Sundays we walk, yesterday was a special one, as it was 3 years ago that I met Geoff, on a walk of course 🙂

So it only seemed right that we went walking yesterday .

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4 thoughts on “A Sunday walk.

  1. anne

    Hi Sally I didn’t know you were feeling poorly during the week..:-( I did see a tweet about taking flu tablets, but that is all.

    Well congratulations..is it only 3 years!!! Glad you were feeling better to go. 🙂

  2. Reluctant Blogger

    Oh happy anniversary! I never remember such things!

    Glad you are feeling better too!

    Well enough for a run maybe????

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