Slimming World and weight Loss.

A few weeks ago I once again decided it was time to follow the slimming world eating plan to lose some weight.
I am afraid I am what you would call the typical yo-yo dieter 🙁

I know the Slimming World plan works and I know it must become a way of eating for life – so this time I am determined to make it my way of life 🙂 .

Its so easy to follow you never have to go with out any food and you never have to feel hungry.

Its easy to fit into your life and you can still eat out, you just have to learn to make the right choices.
So for any one wanting to lose a few pounds before Christmas, your motto should be weight loss is for life not just for Christmas.

I can really recommend the  Slimming world eating plan and no I am not getting paid for this post 🙁
Most of the recipes I make are slimming world ones and no one ever notices any difference from ‘normal’ high fat recipes.

Tonight its  a Slimming World stuffed peppers and salad main course followed by a great Slimming World recipe pudding 🙂

BTW if your wondering I have lost 7lb in 3 weeks and never once felt hungry.

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9 thoughts on “Slimming World and weight Loss.

  1. Pingback: Best Slimming Blogs – By Google Search - Super Slimming Combo Package

  2. Pingback: Sally in Norfolk » Slimming World and weight Loss. « Blogging

  3. Linda Hibbard

    Try wearing wearable weights like “Body Togs” weighted sleeves worn on your arms & legs under your clothes while you go about your day. They increase calorie burn, muscle tone & bone density. Weighted vests work great too!

  4. Pingback: Sally in Norfolk » Slimming World and weight Loss. | Self Help School

  5. Pingback: uberVU - social comments

  6. Michael Manning

    A good post, yes. Having shed 60 pounds and kept it off, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I encourage you to hang in!

  7. Lady Banana

    I start and stop, start and stop… Just too addicted to bad stuff 🙁

    With all the running and exercise you do I’m surprised you need to lose weight!

  8. CherryPie

    I am struggling with my diet at the moment. I just can’t get my head around it.

    Good luck with yours xx

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