
At the same time I started my French class I also started a beginners course in Yoga.
I may be struggling with my french but I am just loving the Yoga.
Having always done high impact aerobic exercise with very little stretching, my body is just loving all the stretching its now getting.
My son Andrew who is a very keen kick boxer even comes to yoga class with me.
I never thought for one moment I would enjoy the yoga as much as I do.
This is definitely one thing I will not be giving up 🙂

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5 thoughts on “Addicted

  1. Michael Manning

    How I admire you for sticking with Yoga. I must confess, I cannot seem to quiet myself down for anything. This has always been a struggle for me. Kudos to you! 🙂

  2. Reluctant Blogger

    Me too! I NEVER thought yoga was for me. I only started it because a friend in Fremantle suggested it for my back when I was unable to run.

    And like you, I love it. I don’t go to a class but do a 25 min dvd at home, 2 or 3 times a week. I only do easy stuff but it’s enough and I know it has helped my running (my legs are stronger and my breathing better) and it is great to do if I feel a bit bothered by something – it is instantly calming.

    Glad you have found yoga too!

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