Monthly Archives: September 2009

Dream Kit.

Every walker/ hiker/ traveller dreams of having the best kit.
Most of us buy the best we can afford hoping one day we will have the lightest, most quick drying , best wicking, and the list goes on and on.
One company Paramo has great technical kit and most walkers would love to own just one piece.
Over the years I have often “looked”
BUT as from today I now own a Paramo taiga fleece
It has some great features

  1. Water Repellent

  2. Can be worn as a stand alone garment or with a Windproof Jacket

  3. Articulated shoulders and sleeves

  4. Two large chest pockets

  5. Two large waist level pockets

  6. Elasticated and poppered cuffs

  7. Concealed elasticated neck and waist/hem drawcords

  8. Scooped tail

We shall be going off to the French Alps in a few weeks time so I hope to test it out then, and I hope it lives up to its reputation.

Having so many pockets also makes it great for travelling too ๐Ÿ™‚

Another Course

As you know last week I booked myself onto a 10 week beginners French course , starting on 15th September.
Well today I also booked myself a place on a 7 week introduction to yoga course, starting 16th September.
If I enjoy the yoga I will then be able to go to classes on a Monday or Wednesday evening.
Debra, who teaches the yoga, sounds like a very nice lady and assures me the yoga will complement my running and walking.
Watch this space to see how I get on ๐Ÿ™‚

Bonjour !!

To get myself out the house I have enrolled on a 10 week beginners French class at the college in Kings Lynn.
I had thought about doing the Reflexology Course, to complement my Swedish massage and Indian head massage.
To my amazement neither of these courses are on offer this year, so I am so pleased I did the Indian head massage course last year.
This left me wondering what to do, especially as I get so lonely during the week.
It was then suggested I did a French course, my first reaction was to laugh, I hated languages at school.
Then I thought about it and as I go to the French Alps with Geoff at least twice a year,I decided why not give it ago ๐Ÿ™‚

What’s Sally picking now?

What’s Sally picking now?

Originally uploaded by geofones

Today Geoff and I did a 17 mile circular walk from my house via Castle Acre.
We had delicious Tea and fruit cake at the Churchgate tea rooms in Castle Acre.
If you remember last year I blogged about the lack of sloes.
Well today I noticed there are plenty around this year.
So looks like I will be adding some Sloe Gin to my Raspberry Gin and Vodka collection.
To finish the day off I cooked Geoff a lovely dinner of trout served with home made Apple and Tomatoร‚ย  Chutney.Then I gave him an Indian head massage before he returned home on the train.

No Comparison

An interesting read about massage can be found over at Ben Casnocha.
His experience can not compare with the great professional service you get if you book a massage with me.
So here are 3 reasons why you should book a massage with me…..

  • “Four of us (three guys, one girl) are put in one room, three in the other. We are given shorts and a shirt to change in to, instead of a robe. There is no locker room or privacy barriers. Nor New Age music playing in the background. Nor even four beds; only one bed and three futons on the ground.”
    With a sallyinnorfolk massage I visit you in the comfort and privacy of your own home ๐Ÿ™‚
  • “I start by lying on my stomach. On a fucking futon. There is no hole near the top through which to stick my head, as is usually the case with bed massages, so my face and nose are jammed into the mattress”
    With a sallyinnorfolk massage only the best massage table is used with a face hole giving total comfort and support.
  • ” At first it’s the usual Swedish shtick, but it takes only a few minutes to discover the Chinese way is different. No pain, no gain. If I spoke Chinese I would yell out for her to stop or ease up on the pressure on my back, but I’m a simple English speaker, and my face is stuffed into the futon anyway.
    Aร‚ย  sallyinnorfolk massage is a Swedish massage , long gentle flowing strokes,totally relaxing with no pain.