A visit to Isham….

We went to visit my Mum and Dad at the week-end.

Living out in the countryside they always have a good supply of Pheasant, Partridge  and Trout.

I came home with a lovely Trout that had been caught in a local river.

As you know I sell fish at Tesco, all my fish is nice and fresh everyday, but the farmed trout I sell do not compare to the lovely taste of a River Trout.

cake card and trout 003

Amazingly it also seems that my Dad is getting closer and closer to joining us all on the Internet, I have been trying to talk him into it for years. 🙂

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3 thoughts on “A visit to Isham….

  1. Pingback: A visit to Isham…. | dairyfactory.com

  2. anne

    Funny I tried to talk my mum to going on the Internet, no way, well she tried …but my stepfather is more willing to try..

    Oh the fish I had on holiday will compare to this trout..I have never seen or tasted fish like it, in this country.

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