Tulips from Norfolk

Every year just a few miles away from where I live, a 70 acre field gets planted up with 51 million Tulips.

Its an incredible sight when they are all out in flower.

large sections ,all of one colour followed by another colour and another colour,like a huge rainbow .

You have to be quick if you want to see them because they are not grown for the flowers but for the Bulbs so they dead head the flowers.

Yesterday while out walking , we saw the fields all planted up , with plants covered for protection from bad weather and any last frosts I expect.

Later on in the year I will go back and take some photos when the Tulips are all out in Flower, it certainly will be worth coming back for a look.

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3 thoughts on “Tulips from Norfolk

  1. sharon

    Beautiful pics Sally of the posted tulips.Can I kindly know whether these tulips are available to be viwed by the public as in is there any admission fee to see them at Narborough.It would be grateful if you could let us know.

  2. Ian Lidster

    I remember the tulips of Norfolk, as I remember the lavender fields and the fields of vibrant yellow mustard on the way into Norwich. Thanks for the tulip memories. Nice to be in touch.

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