My First Time

On Saturday I went to my first Rugby Match.

At Cambridge RUFC, where Cambridge was playing Manchester in a National league 2 game.

Cambridge was playing in their Blood and Sand Club colours.

It all started with a superb lunch for over 220 people ,it was a nice warm sunny day,with perfect pitch conditions too.

Then a very exciting game followed where it looked for a while that Cambridge may get beaten, but they fought back hard and was rewarded with a win .

So final score was Cambridge 28 v 27 Manchester.

Thanks to Philip who organized the Table for lunch and like he says the Company was excellent and I had a great time.

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7 thoughts on “My First Time

  1. Stile Guru

    Congratulations on losing your virginity to 30 men with odd shaped balls!
    You picked a decent side to go see first time out – several Cambridge players used to play for Bedford.
    Glad you enjoyed it. A word of warning though – it’s very addictive.
    Before you know it you’ll be knocking back the ale and doing an Erica Roe! [:0]

  2. Geordieboy

    Did you pay much attention to the teams formation & tactics Sal. Or were you too busy deciding who had the best legs?

  3. Ellee

    Hey, that was close, I’ve been to two professional matches and the team I was supporting both won with the last try.

    I have a fax to send to Geoff re the coastal paths, btw. You may like to read recent about Tesco.

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