Circuit of the Fens Sportive

After the heat and hills of last weekends ride we were hoping for a nice contrast with this ride. and we were not disappointed.

Eight of us met up at Whitlesey for the 85 mile Circuit of the Fens Ride where the day started off cloudy and cool, and by the time 8.30 came we were raring to go !!


It was a nice flat, well sign posted route with 2 good feed stations, the second one offered lots of savoury food too which really suited me, in fact I think I shall start to carry marmite sandwiches on these longer rides as too much cake really does not suit me !!

By mid-day it had turned hot and humid but the gentle breeze kept us cool, if it had been a Fen wind this ride could have been hard, so I think we did well with the weather.

Towards the end of the ride there was a “nice” gravel road to contend with,quite uncomfortable at our speed so I can only imagine how it felt for the elite riders doing the road race the following day.

I totally enjoyed the final stage of the ride, riding as a group along smooth roads,being pulled along by each other, something I had not done for a while and it reminded me just how much I love group riding………

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