A year on my bike !!

Its been a year now since Geoff bought me my bike, he was preparing to go off on his travels and I was wondering what I would do with myself,so the bike came along to help me fill my time, little did either of us know how much it would change my life ๐Ÿ™‚

140720_Cambridge_Sportive_1779Soon after getting my bike I joined SWNC for a club ride, which almost killed me, I still remember getting home and lying on the kitchen floor thinking I might die !! but that one ride had me hooked and I was determined to keep going and to conquer them Norfolk hills, yes there are hills in Norfolk !!

Luckily the club was very friendly ,helpful and full of encouragement even though I moaned at them sometimes when I struggled to keep up ๐Ÿ™ but this just made me more determined and I pushed myself harder and harder as I loved this social group riding.

Then I discovered the Bike Sportives , the first one I did was the Wiggle No Excuses, riding with a small group and my friend Ginaร‚ย the atmosphere was fantastic and ร‚ย I loved every second.

Needless to say I could not wait to do one of these events with Geoff and I finally managed to do the Boudicca with him after he returned from another mega tripร‚ย 1484-1031-WNOEX02

So far this year I have done five Sportives and have two more booked ร‚ย I have also been to Rutland twice and conquered the Rutland Alps and done four 100 mile rides. Amazingly I have also been to mallorca and loved biking up those long slow climbs.

A grand total of 3300 miles biked in one year, with my biggest climb being 1793 ft and my longest ride has been 106.

Geoff is now preparing to go off and bike down the Elbe River and although I still feel distraught when he goes away I know I wont be too lonely because I have my lovely bike, biking friends and Sunday Club rides to look forward too….. oh and I have that half Marathon to train for !!!

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4 thoughts on “A year on my bike !!

  1. Geoff

    Excellent post and so pleased that it’s getting so much use ๐Ÿ™‚ & broadening your social life.
    Now need to do a blog post….

  2. Glyn smith

    Interesting photos at the top of the page. I always knew running was a miserable business ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Kersten

    Geoff will like cycling along the Elbe – my home town is at the bottom end of the German section and we recently cycled from Dresden to near the border. A bonus is that the cycle paths are very well maintained

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