Evans Ride it Cambridge Sportive

Back in June over the summer solstice weekend I enjoyed 2 fabulous rides, on the Saturday it was back to Rutland with Gina to join SWNC to do the Rutland Alps ,this time in lovely warm sunshine, it certainly was no easier second time around but it was great fun and well enjoyed. I even managed to enjoy an after ride meal at the pub, which was a great ending to the day 🙂

Rutland revisited

Then it was off to Peterborough train station to pick Geoff and his bike up and head off to Nottingham to do The Great Notts Bike Ride on the Sunday. Another fabulous 50 mile route in lovely hot sunshine , it was a massive ride and the atmosphere was fantastic, we didn’t realise you had to buy the food at the feed stations but luckily Geoff’s son and family were meeting and greeting us at the feed stations and as we always carry food we didn’t go hungry !!


Over the next few weekends we did a couple of 100 mile rides,one to visit my mum and Dad, where we ended up pushing our bikes through 2 fields of foot high grass,always an adventure with Geoff 🙂  We also rode the Tour de France route from Cambridge to London, a great ride even though the bit through busy London scared me to death !!!


Then we thought it was time to do another sportive  so the Evans Ride it Cambridge sportive was booked.

The ride didn’t start as planned as my friend Gina was too ill to join us, which was a shame as she would have loved this rolling route, starting from The Wimpole Estate.


Having decided on the 90 mile ride and expecting a warm day we arrived nice and early and was in fact the first riders over the start line,right from the word go you could see this was going to be a very well organised sportive and we were not disappointed.

The route which was very clearly and well sign posted took us through pretty villages on quiet roads. All 3 feed stations were excellent, well spaced out at 25, 49 and 75 miles and very well stocked with cake, flapjacks, nuts, jelly beans, energy bars, gels and drinks.

The big mistake I made was eating at the 2nd feed station as I then spent the next 15 miles feeling sick !!! at the 3rd feed station I just had an energy gel and then felt I could fly home!!!


So the results were 90 miles on a sweltering day done in a moving time time of 5hrs 52, which I was happy with especially as I had ran 9 miles the day before.

This weekend we have a nice 85 mile group ride, Flat out in the Fens  lets hope its not windy !!!!

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2 thoughts on “Evans Ride it Cambridge Sportive

  1. Gina Preston

    I was so sorry to miss it. But I shall ride with you next year when you do it again x

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