KLCC Reliability Ride

Yesterday was my first reliability ride, organised by KLCC, I was not quite sure what to expect but it was fun 🙂

Basically you have 2 routes to choose from a 100km and a 50km and you choose the time you expect to do it in.

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100km Cappuccino Target Time <4hr10 to 4hr45>

100km Espresso Target Time <3hr30 to 4hr05>

50km Cappuccino Target Time <2hr10 to 2hr40>
50km Espresso Target Time <1hr40 to 2hr10>

I really wanted to do the 100km but as I have been poorly decided to be sensible and choose the 50km.

There was 10 in our little group including Pete from Wisbech Wheelers , he was a great group rider and put the slower riders (and lets face it we all have off days )  in the front so us faster ones did not push the pace too fast which would result in splitting the group up.

This worked really well, the only time we split, was up the hills then the first up waited for the rest to catch up before setting off again.

We also rode in pairs,when it was safe to do so, chatting away, switching partners every now again which made it very sociable and fun.

We easily finished in our estimated time doing 32 miles in 2 hours 14 mins.

Having perfect weather and a lovely group to ride with made this a great day.

Next week we are going to do the 50 mile social ride with the Wisbech Wheelers from Sandringham Then its the epic  Wiggle No Excuses sportive 🙂

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3 thoughts on “KLCC Reliability Ride

  1. Gina Preston

    Sounds great. You’ve done something I’ve not done now – never done a Reliability! We always ride in twos though and rotate round so you chat to everyone. Does that not happen with your other group?

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