A Perfect Day … 21 Again !

Friday 4th October

As most of you will now know today was my Birthday …. 21 again 🙂

Waking up here in this beautiful relaxing place with Geoff made it a perfect day !

After another lovely breakfast, We spent the morning in the spa where Geoff had booked me a surprise massage.

I think the masseur Nick enjoyed inflicting pain on me, my shoulder blades were full of knots and he just kept saying “I know this hurts but it has to be done ”

Late afternoon we caught the bus back to Budapest for a weekend of sight seeing.


Duck in Pastry with Dill and Paprika Sauce

In the evening we enjoyed a meal at a typical Hungarian Restaurant, the Kacsa Restaurant, a lovely old world place with high ceilings and violin music, it all reminded me of something straight out of “Downton Abbey”

Some little bird even told them it was my birthday, so while the violinist played Happy Birthday the other dinners sang to me, much to my embarrassment !

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