Getting my boots out….

This may be hard to believe but I have not done a walk since 28th July, even I find that hard to believe 🙁

walking boots Its due to 2 reasons, with Geoff away ,I have been staying In Kings Lynn at weekends, any decent walks from here are a good drive away and with the cost of fuel, a walk becomes a luxury.

The other reason of course is my beautiful bike, a fantastic gift from Geoff, to help me pass the weekends doing something I love …Exercise,  without having to spend money 🙂

My other favourite pass time is Running, which strangely seems to be improving since I started biking…

So in the Past 4 weeks I have cycled 287 miles, loving the Group riding with the SWNC 

I have also ran aprox 40 miles, enjoying the Saturday morning parkruns and the Ladybird club runs.

BUT tomorrow I am going for a walk it may only be 12 miles, which is short for me but its a walk and one I am looking forward too very much….

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5 thoughts on “Getting my boots out….

  1. LadyBanana

    I just don’t get how you manage to fit so much into your life!

    Please share your secret 😉

    1. sally

      LadyBanana i suppose its because i don’t have typical 8 till 5 working hours….or a husband at home… I watch little or no TV and stay up late and just enjoy exercise so much…

  2. Geoff

    It’s great to ring the changes & refreshing to do many different things with different groups of friends. 🙂 Enjoy the walk and remember to keep the river on your left!

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