Kings Lynn Parkrun 100 and a PB for me !

On Saturday the 17th Aug it was Kings Lynn’s 100th Parkrun and my 4th, although I have also done one at Milton too.

As always I enjoyed the nice friendly atmosphere, these Saturday morning runs help me cope with the weekends, when Geoff is away and I am meeting some really nice people too.

It felt like I had an excellent run, so I was a little disappointed when I quickly checked my Garmin at the end and it read 29:29 or so I thought ! ( I didn’t have my glasses on at the time )

After enjoying lovely cake, tea and a good natter I wandered home Listening to my audio book .

So imagine my surprise and delight when I down loaded my stats from my Garmin to see I had mis-read my time and It actually read 28:29 making it a PB for me   🙂
Parkrun 100

I think the Biking is making me run faster, or it could be that I told my legs I would buy that Purple bike helmet if I got a PB….

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