For many years I have been struggling to read, mainly because I just could not concentrate 🙁
Then just before our trip to the Pyrenees Geoff bought me a Kindle, which I just love.
So thanks to my Kindle and Mr Grey I have rekindled my love of reading 🙂
I have read 4 books since July which is more books than I have read for years.
The 5th book has been started, it was recommended by Martin Black, Â its called The Camino Diaries and I am loving it.
You know what I will be doing now on our long train journey to St Ives on Friday !
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Glad you’re enjoying Camino. I commute to London from Ely so have time to read loads of books, I love my Kindle but books will always be my fav.
I was so against getting a Kindle for a long time, but since I’ve had it I’ve not looked back.
I’ve read a lot more since having it as it’s so convenient to pop into almost any sized handbag!
Don’t know if you know about this site:
It lists free books, price reduced books and you can add books which are a little high priced (as they often are when new) and it will inform you when the price drops!