A Good Swap

One thing that I have learnt over the years is that when ever I go away walking with Geoff its really important that I have something to do in the evenings, while Geoff does his computer things 🙂

When we went to Turkey to walk the Lycian Way I started writing a diary every night and now always do this when we have a walking  holiday, its great to go back and read them again.

I always try to take a book too but as we always carry all our kit it does add to the weight especially as one book is never enough.

So for this trip Geoff has bought me a Kindle, I soon fell in love with it and find it light and easy read.

Although I have a sneaky feeling that the kindle was also bought so Geoff could get his hands on the books that I am reading at the moment, which happen to be the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy

As yesterday he read the first book from start to finish in one go but I am not complaining as a  kindle for a few books seems a good swap to me 🙂



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2 thoughts on “A Good Swap

  1. Geoff

    You are so right 🙂 The book was a good read although the description of Grey did get a bit monotonous, but that helps for a quick read 🙂 Would be interesting to do a Wordle on the book 🙂

  2. Lady Banana

    Ahh you got one!

    I’m now on book 3. Not sure what to read next as I still have a load of paper books to read but have already downloaded quite a number of Kindle books!

    There is a Kindle forum on Amazon where people post about free books of the day, also Amazon send out an email with a 99p book each day – so many temptations!

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