GEAR 10km Run 2012

5 weeks ago, after annoying an old achilles problem while out running, I really thought I would not be able to do the Gear 10km  run.

Waiting to start

I stopped running but carried on with my walking hoping that maybe this would keep me fit enough to run the 10km with no training.

My usual running distance is 4 miles, and last week I did a 4 mile run to see how I felt,the day after my achilles ached quite a bit and I was still unsure on what to do.

This morning I was up early rubbing Nurofen gel onto my achilles thinking I would just run it gentle and set a time for the next 10km.

It was perfect running conditions dry and cold 🙂


I expected a time of 66 mins (with training ) so imagine my delight when my actual time was 63 mins, and this was with no running for 4 weeks 🙂

Gear Medal

My achilles did ache but never got any worse !

I believe 2000 runners took part,its a great flat course and the crowd really cheered you on, just a shame my photographer is away walking the south west coast path , so I have no photos of me coming across the finish line 🙁

The official results are out and I came 1112 out 2000 which I think is very respectable 🙂

Now its on to the next Challenge which is a 26 mile walk in 2 weeks time 🙂

and I will be looking for another 10km to do later in the year !





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5 thoughts on “GEAR 10km Run 2012

  1. Martin

    Well done.
    Looks like the running bug has well and truly bitten you…… Half marathon next? Or are you looking towards the current fashion – Triathlon? Whatever you do, it’s better than being a couch potato!

  2. Gayle

    Well done! Excellent result.
    Mick keeps telling people that I’m going to run a half marathon this year (even though I haven’t run anywhere, other than for a bus, for a very long time). He seems to be working on the basis that the more people he tells, the more likely it is to happen. I’m unconvinced!

  3. Geoff

    Well done! I thought I had been usurped by your son, otherwise I could have flown back 🙂
    There’s always another time..

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