My 30 day challenges .. Number 2

Well I achieved my first 30 day challenge and made it through all of January with out eating one slice of cake !

I didn’t bake any cakes either and I think I missed baking them more than I did eating them 🙂

So yesterday when we went to Cafe Nero for coffee, Geoff treated me to a wonderful spiced apple and pecan muffin, which I can highly recommend 🙂

When entering my calorie data into my fitbit I noted that one of these muffins has a whopping 474 calories, so I wont be having many of these.

Anyway I decided I must be able to bake a cake with fewer calories per slice, so in the oven at this very moment is a fat free weet-a-bix cake, its like a fruit loaf….

I have worked the calories out at 2,638 for the whole loaf, so I shall slice it into 10, making it 263 calories a slice and  a good option for our Sunday post walk cake 🙂

My next 30 day challenge is not to pick at any food while at work…………….

( cake was cut into 13 slices so only 200 calories a slice  )

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4 thoughts on “My 30 day challenges .. Number 2

    1. sally

      had to hide the cake away as the boys and there friends took a liking to it 🙂 but I have a good half left to bring for you to sample.

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