Loving my Fitbit !

Much to my amazement I have just packed away all my slimming world books, something I thought I would never do, but thanks to a little gadget called a fitbit I will not be needing slimming world any more.

Geoff bought me the Fitbit for Christmas, I love gadgets so was excited about having another one to play with, although I was quite adamant that I would not be counting calories…..ร‚ย  BUT how wrong could I be !

Now into my 4th week , having lost half a stone, I find myself quite addicted to my little fitbit and counting calories ๐Ÿ™‚ Its really opened my eyes to a few things, I love the fact that I can actually eat anything I want too and its me that’s in control.

I had been so worried about having to give my gym membership up but not any more as I now walk every day,because I want to get my fitbit steps in and theร‚ย  more steps I do means the more calories I can eat ๐Ÿ™‚

This wonderful little gadget costs just ร‚ยฃ80 which may seem expensive but compared to slimming world its remarkably cheap.

Another thing I have discovered by counting calories, is just how many calories are in some of the so called free to eat slimming world recipes ๐Ÿ™

Just 4kg away from my target weight and I am convinced with the help of fitbit it will be easier than ever to maintain, the new slimming world magazine is due out soon too but I wont be needingร‚ย  it ๐Ÿ™‚





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6 thoughts on “Loving my Fitbit !

  1. Reluctant Blogger

    Oh yes, I love mine too. I lost the December kgs I put on really quickly and now am using it to maintain my weight and try and increase the food I eat early in the day and eat foods that are good for giving me energy (rather than making me slumpy). And you know what? I haven’t felt this great in ages. I am full of beans.
    I never thought I would count calories or list what I eat but it is so useful to see what works for me. And I have worked out some of the things that give me stomach cramps when I run after only a few weeks of using the thing.
    And it is encouraging me to be really active all day long rather than just going for my one run.
    Good old Fitbit. So glad I didn’t wait til my birthday to get it.
    I feel fab.

    1. sally

      Lady Banana its maybe its myfitness pal I have them all ……..but nothing as good as fitbit as it just syncs to mac so no manual input apart from calories

  2. Geoff

    Great to see you have now seen the light ๐Ÿ™‚ Perhaps you should post up some of the calorie counts of the ‘free food’

  3. Ellee

    Hi Sally, sounds good, and congratulations with your weight loss. Does it also monitor other activities, such as cycling and the cross trainer at the gym, and offset these activities against calories, or just walking?

    1. sally

      yep Ellee, you can manually add other activities…. never thought i would say this but giving up the gym has been good for me… getting out for a walk or run every night is much better for me, although the boys worry when i go off at 9pm ๐Ÿ™‚ the joys of living in town ๐Ÿ™‚

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