A 30 day Challange

Tonight I had my last piece of cake for a while as I am going to start 2012 off with a small challange, for the next month at least I am not going to eat any cake…

last bit of cake for 30 days

As I love baking this could be difficult, but then again I can still bake then give it away to some lucky person 🙂

They do say it takes 30 days to break a habbit  and walking in Turkey certainly helped me break my addiction to bread,so it will be interesting to see how I get on with the Cake ban.

I most enjoy a piece of cake after our Sunday walks so I will have to find something else to replace the cake… maybe yoghurt as I love mullerlights but have stopped buying them as they are so expensive.

What would you have instead of cake  ????


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4 thoughts on “A 30 day Challange

  1. CherryPie

    At this time of year a nice home made vegitable soup would be just as enjoyable as a cake. I do have a soft spot for cakes too, especially when visiting National Trust properties.

  2. Ellee

    Happy New Year Sally. I don’t have a sweet tooth so cakes aren’t a problem for me. I love apples, so maybe you could eat more of those in place of cakes.

  3. Working Mum

    Instead of cake? I don’t understand!

    Just joking – good luck with that, breaking the sugar habit is not easy.

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