Addicted to…..

Once again I find myself addicted to Slimming World and there page on face book in particular

There eating plans just suit me so much and I enjoy trying all the unusual recipes.

Like mushy pea curry, chocolate couscous, and Diet coke chicken, which also means I have started cooking for myself at home again 🙂

There is even a slimming world cake lady who provides us with tried and tested cake recipes so I can still bake too.

Poor Geoff has to suffer all these recipes during weekends too but even he has to admit the slimming world chips are delicious.

The rewards for my addiction .. well I am loosing weight and feeling good.

This time It has to become a way of life not just a “diet” as I am so fed up with
being a yo yo dieter.

I would so love to go to a slimming world class……. maybe when I move 🙂


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6 thoughts on “Addicted to…..

  1. Working Mum

    Good luck with the diet. Not sure I can pluck up the courage to try chocolate couscous!

    As you say, it needs to become a way of life, this healthy eating lark, and then you won’t have to do it again. “Moderation in all things” as my mum says.

  2. Adenture days

    The diet coke chicken sounds larvely!!!!
    I have tried to loose weight recently by just being active as possible I did this extreme adventure course and I feel its working already and its something you can make a day of. Thanks for the recipe ideas!!!

  3. CherryPie

    Good luck with your diet, I am making an extra special effort with mine this week.

  4. Anne

    I don’t know why you stopped cooking for yourself at home .. if you love this so much .. … the names of the dishes some how put me off .. BUT I have not tried them …I won’t knock them until I have tried.

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