Fun weekend

As you know we like to keep active and this weekend we had 2 nice events planned.

Firstly Saturday was the opening day of the Jesus Green out door pool

Glad to say that this year the water was much warmer at 16 deg compared to last years 12 deg

I managed a good 10 lengths and there is something so nice about swimming outdoors.

Then on Sunday it was the 44th Oxfam walk, this year it was from Wimpole hall.

I was hoping we would do the 22 mile walk this year but we started running out of time so had to cut it short at 18 miles, but I think that was still a good distance.

Unfortunately my camera battery died but here are Geoff’s photos and everytrail of the walk

Cambridge Oxfam Walk 2011 (abbreviated)

While on the subject of Fun, could this be our next little adventure 🙂

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