One Moment, One Morning

I may have taken my macbook to the Czech republic but it never came out my bag πŸ™‚

Instead I took the opportunity to read my book, One Moment, One Morning

To my amazement by the time I arrived home I only had 30 pages left to read.

Sadly it then took me another 4 days to read those 30 pages πŸ™

I thoroughly enjoyed this book which….

“Told the story of the week following a fateful train journey, One Moment, One Morning is a stunning novel about love and loss, about family and Γ’β‚¬β€œ above all Γ’β‚¬β€œ friendship. A stark reminder that, sometimes, one moment is all it takes, it also reminds us that somehow, and despite everything, life can and does go on.”

In fact a bit in the book has really stuck in my mind, to truly love someone its their faults that you have to come to love !!


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5 thoughts on “One Moment, One Morning

  1. sarah rayner

    Hi Sally, I just found your blog and I wanted to say how pleased I am you liked my book so much! If I’m ever in Norfolk I shall book myself a massage! Sarah

  2. Ladybanana

    Sally, thanks but on your recommendation I ordered it from Amazon, Thursday evening and it was delivered Friday – such good service!

    Plus I found a seller there that was selling cheaper than Amazon themselves for a brand new copy πŸ™‚

  3. Ladybanana

    This book is in my wish list.. I have so many waiting to be read though I daren’t get it yet!

  4. CherryPie

    To love is instinctive. Unconditional love is so much more and that includes loving someone despite their faults.

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