My perfect day

My Valentines day was the most perfect day for me πŸ™‚

Where would you take a fish lover to dinner ?? … Loch Fyne of course, and I wore my new little red dress too.

The valentines menu was superb and making my choices was easy.

For starters I had grilled oysters with garlic and breadcrumbs.

Main course was Sea bass fillets and Scallops

and for dessert I had the most amazing Rhubarb creme brulee

All washed down with a delish bottle of Chablis wine, which has to be my favourite wine πŸ™‚

Then to end the evening Geoff took me to a Valentines Ceilidh, something I have only recently discovered and I just love it πŸ™‚

So we spent the evening dancing off all the calories we had eaten at dinner

This Ceilidh was amazing as almost everyone there was young students.

Thanks to Geoff I had such a wonderful time that I have not stopped smiling this week and yes I do know just how lucky I am !

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