Monthly Archives: April 2010

Double the Fun

Yesterday we met up for a walk with Sarah from 

It was her last training walk before she goes off to do her Charity Great Wall trek.

We did a simple but lovely walk along the river to Waterbeach and returned by Fen Ditton

Not a long walk by usual standards but a nice 10 mile afternoon stroll.

Leaving time for Sarah to have a massage before she goes off to make her final preparations 🙂

We are keeping our fingers crossed that her flight will not be effected by the Volcano Ash !!

Then today it was out to Toft with the Cambridge Rambling club.

A truly beautiful walk done on a wonderful summers day.

The 14 mile route that Vera took us on went through 3 woods, where it was quite plain to see that we have finally left the winter months behind 🙂

The waiting is over

Finally my Mothers day gift has arrived 🙂 and it was worth the wait .

Its the complete Fifth season of Desperate Housewives to go with the other four seasons they previously bought for me 🙂

Now I should start watching them BUT I am really into Spooks at the moment so they may have to sit and wait.

A great gift though and something to look forward to watching 🙂

seeing red !!

I don’t usually do this kind of post BUT two things in the news today has made me see red !!

I am an easy going person and don’t really have many opinions , I hate politics , don’t agree with equal rights.

My aim is just to get through each day, week, month with out anything bad happening in my life.

When I read this in the newspaper this morning it made my blood boil.

I have served in the WRAF and strongly believe that mothers should not be allowed to serve in our forces.

These people should be totally ashamed of themselves too and why oh why do we let her keep on having babies !!

Rant over 🙂


A Good exchange

I don’t usually give links out to blogs that I do not read.

But there is always an exception !

So here is a link for Ian who kindly sponsored me £20 in return for the link.

This has boosted my Race for life Sponsorship to £40 🙂

I am still hoping to reach that £100 so if you feel like sponsoring me then click on the Race for Life link in my side bar.

Many thanks also to Jenny and Tessa 🙂

A summer skirt

I get totally fed up with wearing trousers all the time.

So have been looking for a new skirt for a while.

I don’t have a very good relationship with clothes so find it hard to know what suits me.

Today it really felt like the first day of summer and I even found a skirt I liked 🙂

Now all I need to find is a Skirt guard for my bike !!


Some time ago the Boys ordered me a gift for mothers day.

At the time they did not realize that it was out of stock 🙁

In the  meantime they went and got me another gift from town…..  The Sex in the City movie  🙂

Which I will not watch till I have finished watching the series.

They got excited today when a packet arrived through the post, but it was not my gift but something else ordered at the same time.

The suspense is killing me 🙂

A day in London

Last week we had a day in London the weather was very disappointing and so was Liberty’s.

We went for Sushi at Lunch time, I should have tried the raw fish but needed meat 🙂

So duck and chicken were my choices along with the soya peas, and they were all delicious. 

Next it was the National Gallery, where Geoff treated me to my own piece of Vincent Van Gogh 🙂

Then it was Stanford’s the Map and travel book shop.

A book was bought, hopefully for our next little adventure later in the year

Together at Easter

If things had gone to plan I would have spent Easter alone again this year.

The delayed house move changed all of our plans.

So today I cooked dinner for 6 and a splendid day was had by all.

Now I feel bloated with all the over eating and look forward to tomorrows bike ride.

Hope you have all had a Happy Easter too 🙂