Back to normal

After a very hectic week , helping Geoff move and settle into his new house.

We even managed a house warming party on Saturday.

All his new neighbours came which was wonderful and a great way to get to know them all.

It was good to be able to help Geoff move and I just know that he is going to be very very happy in his new house  🙂

I should be back to my normal routine this week.

It started today with my usual swim and yoga class 🙂

Tomorrow I shall try to catch up with all my blog reading.

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4 thoughts on “Back to normal

  1. sally

    Geoff ..hopefully many more alfresco breakfast lunch and dinners to come 🙂

    Cherrypie… the party was fab 🙂

    Ellee … hard work but so glad i was around to help and shame you missed such a good party though i expect your ball was good too 🙂

  2. Geoff

    Thank you for all your help & what a great party! Lovely to be warm even with no heating on today 🙂 and thanks for a lovely alfresco breakfast!

    Will be checking tomorrow to see if my old acquaintance and new neighbour is up for helping me demolish the wall in the other house!

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