Getting there..

At last my Christmas tree is up.

Slowly but surely everything is getting done πŸ™‚

Delivered all presents to my Mum and Dad on Saturday.

I have bought all my other gifts, just have to get them wrapped, and stop myself from buying more.

One special gift left to make… had 2 attempts already,they failed  πŸ™ so going to give it one more try but that’s a story for another day πŸ™‚

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6 thoughts on “Getting there..

  1. Reluctant Blogger

    I did get my tree on Sunday and that is up and looking rather wonderful.

    But I have not got all my presents. I bought all those I needed to send but I am not good at doing things before I need to. I like the pressure of having to find something when there is not much time to do so and here in Norwich you can usually find something nice as there is a huge variety of shops.

    I am beginning to feel excited about it all though!

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