Wet,Windy and Wild

That best describes our week-end in Brighton 🙂

Oh and lets not forget expensive 🙁

It was Great to see Emily though.

We also got a fab, if very wet walk over the South Downs and a very nice Sunday pub lunch so all was not bad


5 thoughts on “Wet,Windy and Wild

  1. CherryPie

    That is where I go for my PCS conference, so I know what it can be like in the wind and rain. But when it is sunny 🙂

    What sort of price are you thinking of? I know someone who lives local to Brighton so I can ask the question.

  2. sally

    Hi Lady Banana , maybe you could give us some tips on where to stay then as we found all the places would only do 2 nights stay min and were just so expensive 🙁

  3. Lady Banana

    I love Brighton, my youngest was at uni there for 3 years so I visited quite a lot.

    We also took our cycles down once and cycled along the cliff path for miles.. fantastic day that was!

  4. Reluctant Blogger

    Well, it was much the same here if that helps. Not expensive – but wet, wild and windy. Although it’s always pretty windy with so many boys in the house as I’m sure you know!

    Glad you had a good time anyway.

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