Giving in..

If you remember back in February I bloged about garden rubbish.
Well I am finding it very difficult to dispose of my Garden rubbish and may just have to give in and buy a bin.
When I was In South America my parents came to visit, did the garden and had to take all the rubbish home with them.
I have looked into a compost bin and its not really suitable for my needs.
The other alternative is to collect it in bags and take it to the recycle centre,which is right out my way.
Also not very green as this involves a 10 mile round trip in the car.
So will finding the time to go to the recycling centre,and cost of petrol be any cheaper than getting a bin.
All I know is that I will feel much happier just getting rid of all this rubbish.

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4 thoughts on “Giving in..

  1. sally

    Jenny… I have often thought about taking it to the recycling centre near Cambridge but by the time i have put clothes walking stuff massage table and food into car i never seem to have room for the rubbish 🙂

  2. Jenny

    Is it possible to drop it off on the way to somewhere else on your journey not necessarily in your district. We used to drop if off at a site between MD and Nottm before the Council sold us a bin. One off fee but there was a six month waiting list so only just got into it.

  3. CherryPie

    We have been provided by quite an array of different bags by the council for recycling. This includes a green bin for garden waste.

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