Rain and Sunshine…

Only a small number of walkers turned out for today’s walk.

Some people are on holiday, the others put off by the forecast of bad weather.

So it was four female walkers that set off from Pakenham at 9.30 am.walk 008

Within an hour it was raining and by lunch time we looked like four drowned rats.

After eating our lunch in the church porch at Langham ,we found a pub with a roaring wood burner.

Where we enjoyed a coffee while getting ourselves warm and dry by the fire.

By the time we left the pub the rain had stopped and we enjoyed the last 7 miles in lovely sunshine.

Thanks to Debbie who was the leader for this 15 mile walk.

There was one casualty ..  my phone must have somehow got wet and will not work now.

Feels like I am cut off from the outside world 🙁

Luckily I do have a spare phone at home I just hope it still works .

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5 thoughts on “Rain and Sunshine…

  1. Chilford Hall

    great post…. you have done great job….it very cool blog. linking is very useful thing you have really helped lots of people who visit this blog and provided them this usefull information. thanks a lot for this..gud luck..regards,

  2. sally

    Geoff… thats the mad thing I did have 2 small dry bags and my huge ruc -sac liner one too …..

    Cherrypie… yes thankfully its all working now 🙂

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