Reaching another Goal

Today I woke to find the weather was just perfect for running.6mile

Warm ,cloudy, a little sun and a cool breeze.

Perfect for doing my 6 miles.

I so wanted to do this before I go to meet Geoff in lima and time is running out.

So this morning while sat in the hairdressers I was thinking about nothing but running.

My hair dresser was not pleased when she found out I was planning to run after an expensive hair do πŸ™‚

Now I can happily say I did the 6 miles easily in 1 hour and 5 minÒ€ℒs and it feels fantastic.

My treat for doing this was a bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich which has never tasted better

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7 thoughts on “Reaching another Goal

  1. anne

    Well done…you are fit, well you need to be for all that you are going to do !! πŸ™‚

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