Monthly Archives: May 2009

The Big Swim..

Yesterday was a sunny but windy day, a nice day for an out door swim.

swim 003

So I took myself off to the opening day of The Jesus Green swimming pool.

Its the third year that I have been there on opening day but only the second time I have actually been in for a swim.

Last year I only managed 4 lengths.

I am proud to say this year I did 10 lengths.

The water temp was 12c and when I got out the pool I was red with cold.

After a hot shower, a sit in the sun and a big glass of wine, I realized there is nothing quite as nice as swimming outside 🙂

With Geoff away I am finding it hard to always get photos but here are a few …  when Geoff is home he will now be able to swim at Jesus Green for FREE 🙂

Will I or Wont I….

On Saturday Jesus Green pool opens for the first swim of the season.swim

As you know Geoff and I usually go, last year we were first in and had our photo in the local paper.

Usually it opens on a Monday so just a select few get to go, this year they are hoping more will turn up as its a Saturday.

Plenty of people have made sure I know about the opening, so I know I will be made welcome.

Trouble is I am not sure if it will be the same with out Geoff 🙁

But I have just bought a new costume just in case 🙂

Just The Tonic…

Yesterday for many reasons was a bad day for me.helen 003

Boy trouble, customer trouble, Fish trouble all made worse as I was tired after staying up far too late waiting for Geoff  to call ( how i hate the 7 hour time difference )

All I needed was a cuddle but even I could not run to the Galapagos Islands 🙂

Then in the evening I went round to see my friend @cloudgazer her aim was to cheer me up.

hoopla hoop


Well she certainly managed that…  she has a new hoopla hoop, after a few lessons I was away ..  its far easier doing it for real than on the wii-fit, and far more effective too.

Laughter really is the best medicine 🙂

I now have a hoopla hoop on order too.

More Photos can be seen here…

My run of bad luck did not end there..  Geoff called me on skype and we had a lovely chat , its great to hear all about his adventures, its as good as reading a book 🙂

Then his call crashed my laptop and un-till now I have been unable to load the settings, it kept saying I had a corrupt file .

As you can imagine I was frantic but when I awoke this morning I had email from Geoff (thank god for phones ) he suggested I did a systems restore and now after an hour of fiddling I have my settings back and can get into my laptop.

After having such a bad day its amazing how much you appreciate things more 🙂

Country life…

Usually  at this time of year I start going out on my bike in the evenings… I alternate between running and riding  🙂

Since Andrew got his job though he’s been using my bike I have been bike lesbikes 🙁

This week I had the offer of a ride out to Sandringham and I hate to turn that kind of offer down.

Lucky for me my son managed to get a lift to work that day.

So on Wednesday in brilliant warm sunshine I met up with Helen alias @cloudgazer and onethoughtfulwoman.

It was a 3 mile bike ride to Helen’s house and another 5 mile to Sandringham, we called into see @athinkingman / A Thinking man on the way too.

We took some great photos had a walk and tea and scones before returning home.

A perfect countryside day.

As Anne has pointed out to me I really do have the best of both worlds with my city and country life.

Tomorrow its a wedding in the city 🙂

More photos can be seen here  and I want my bike back now 🙁