The adventure begins….

Emily started the adventure off last week when she flew out to Trujillo in Peru to begin her volunteer work.

You must read her blog as its just fascinating to hear about her work in the nursery and  living with mama Doris.

Geoff continues the adventure tomorrow when he flies out to Costa Rica. After spending Easter at the beach he will go on a weeks Spanish course.

While on the Spanish course he too will live with a local family, in  Sámara who will speak no English, so it will be interesting to see how he gets on 🙂image

Then I finish the adventure by meeting Geoff in lima on 13th June. We shall then fly to Cusco, where we shall spend a week before meeting up with Emily to walk the Inca trail.

As you can imagine it was hard to say good bye to Geoff today, I was very emotional and feel a little sad.

But I am not unhappy as I just have so much to look forward too.

I feel blessed that I have someone as wonderful as Geoff to share my life and adventures with.

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4 thoughts on “The adventure begins….

  1. sally

    Caroline… yes your right the time will just fly by I have so many things to do, most weekends i will still be in cambridge and i have a wedding to look forward to aswell 🙂 Are you doing the oxfam walk this year ??

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