A precious Wednesday….

Geoff came over today to make sure my fruit tree’s were safely planted and my grass mown.jars 003

This time next week he will be in Costa Rica starting his 3 months of travel.

I am feeling very emotional about the whole thing at the moment πŸ™ but trying to keep strong.

Here I am standing between my newly planted dwarf apple tree’s which should grow no higher than 1.8m.

In return for doing my garden I treated Geoff to an Indian head massage so we both got a treat today πŸ™‚

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6 thoughts on “A precious Wednesday….

  1. anne

    Lovely trees..great that Geoff could plant them too!!! Yes we will have to have photos of the trees and their fruit. πŸ™‚

  2. Lady Banana

    Aww they are like little twigs now.. make sure you post photos of their development and ultimately the fruits! πŸ™‚

  3. Reluctant Blogger

    The countdown to when someone is going away or something is going to end is always far worse, in my opinion, than when it actually happens. I always feel cross with myself when I get sad during countdowns because it actually takes away some of the pleasure from the moment I am in. I hope you are better at handling these things than I am!

    Hope Geoff has a great trip. I might get to meet him one of these days if we can ever manage to be in the same country at the same time!

    Oh and I have an apple tree in a pot at the back of my garden at home (no idea what type but it must be a dwarf cos it is small) and it grows the most amazing and huge eating apples. You’d never believe one small tree could support all these apples. Shame I don’t like apples really!

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