Rambling in one’s birthday suit.

Maybe Geoff and I should be going off to Switzerland for our next walking holiday.

I found this story in the Times today and it did make me smile…as you know I walk with many of the local Rambling groups and I could never imagine them doing this……

"When the first nude walkers came over the border the tranquil, neutrality-loving Swiss tried to pretend it wasn’t happening. It was only when it became clear that the invaders had a plan of conquest — even if they had no clothes — that the Alpenhorns sounded the alarm. image

Now the Swiss authorities are trying to fend off hordes of German ramblers dressed in nothing more than a rucksack and walking boots. The influx appears to have been started after a German mountaineering website declared the Swiss wilderness a “paradise for naked ramblers”.

We have been receiving many complaints,” Markus Dörig, a spokesman for the government of the Appenzell Innerrhoden canton, told The Times. “The local people are upset and we in the government share their concern. How would one feel if one was to go walking in nature and suddenly came across a group of naked people?”

But the authorities soon found that they were powerless. When police in the eastern Appenzeller region, which appears to be worst hit by the new craze, arrested a group of German nudists they had to apologise and let them go as there was no law against rambling in one’s birthday suit."

The whole story can be seen here.

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6 thoughts on “Rambling in one’s birthday suit.

  1. Reluctant Blogger

    Oh I would love to see those. My children always make a beeline for the nudist beach when we are on holiday so that they can gawp at all the naked old people! So they would love to watch ramblers!!

    I can’t think it would be a lot of fun actually doing it – it’s bad enough wearing shorts as my legs tend to get scratched. Dear me!

  2. Posh Totty

    hmm I would imagine the female ramblers would be considered a danger at this time of year …. surely they could take someones eye out? 😛 hehe

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