Week one…

Great start to my Indian Head massage course .indian-head-003_sm

I did need books and stuff but nothing that I cannot sort out soon.

Luckily my uniform from last year is the same needed for this year.

First impressions….  18 weeks of heaven having someone massage my head neck shoulders arms and face ๐Ÿ™‚

Over 60 strokes to learn for the whole of the Indian head massage routine.

More paper work , which I hate :-(  but my confidence is growing in this area.

4 of the 60 strokes learnt already and Geoff has had his first taste of what’s to come

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9 thoughts on “Week one…

  1. Lady Banana

    The hairdresser once gave me a head massage and it was pure bliss..

    Geoff is one lucky man, I’m sure you’ll get lot’s of practice!

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