More than just a walk…

Today I collected Geoff off the 9.30 train from Cambridge.shack

As the weather was nice it was time to go and stretch our legs along the Norfolk coast.

We parked at "The Shack" which belongs to one of Geoff’s friends and is in Snettisham. 

Our plan was to walk to Hunstanton and back, aprox 10 miles.

On the way we saw some lovely looking Blackberries.

I just had to buy a tub in Hunstanton so we could pick them on the way back.

Amazingly we collected almost 7lb of gorgeous blackberries.

jam 017

Once I have made Emily a blackberry and apple crumble I am not sure what I shall do with the rest.

Think they will end up in the freezer till I get some more apples from cloudgazer.

Then more jam 🙂

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7 thoughts on “More than just a walk…

  1. sally

    Geoff… my face was wind burnt today 🙁

    jeremy.. not enough at the moment ,doing too many other nice things

    Anne… sure you will get to try some 🙂

    dragonstar… yes I like bramble jelly too

    jmb…. not a long walk for us

    cherrypie ….if only you lived closer

  2. Dragonstar

    Some of my kids didn’t like the “bits” in blackberry jam, even with apples added. We had a massive supply of blackberries, so I made bramble jelly instead – very popular! Haven’t done any for years – ah, the memories!

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