Mountains here I come :-)

Just about packed now after having a mega stress about it earlier in the day šŸ™

As tomorrow after work I am straight off to Cambridge ,quick shower and change then down to Luton Airport for the 6pm flight to Geneva.

Then its on to  Geoff’s apartment in Les Gets. for a whole 10 days.

My walking poles are packed ready for some mountain walking, no long distance this time,Just lots of high walks, which will make a change from the flat lands of Norfolk.

I will be taking my laptop, so will post some photos and let you know what I am up too so DO keep reading……..

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9 thoughts on “Mountains here I come :-)

  1. Lady Banana

    Sounds like a wonderful break.. Hope you enjoy and looking forward to your pictures and updates!

  2. Em

    Have a great time. Give Dad a massive birthday hug from me hehe šŸ˜€ and when you get back it won’t be long till i’m HOOOOOME šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€ I’m having fun here, but i get a bit more homesick for my Cambridge everyday haha.

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