While Geoff’s away the girlies play….

While Geoff was walking to Oxford Anne was on her was from Oxford to stay with me in Cambridge.

In fact when Geoff rang me for some dry socks Anne was at her brothers in Haslingfield.

So I collected her on my way to Wimpole Hall, thanks to her brother, for helping me with directions ๐Ÿ™‚

The rest of the Saturday we spent shopping, looking for shoes in particular, Anne now realises how hard it is for me to buy shoes. !!

Then after having a bottle of Geoff’s wine ๐Ÿ™‚ we went off to Bella Pasta for dinner.blog 104

On Sunday we did our walk to the Orchard in Grantchester for tea and scones.

We could not have wished for better weather.

Sunday evening we went to the cinema for the preview showing of the film The Edge Of Love about Dylan Thomas and we both really really enjoyed this film.

Which included a question and answer session live by satellite with the director John Maybury.

We finished the evening off with a nice sauna and lots of girlie chat.

Then this morning I gave Anne a nice relaxing massage before we went for coffee at Savino’s and we both returned home.

So a great week-end ,thanks to Geoff once again, for making it possible ๐Ÿ™‚

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One thought on “While Geoff’s away the girlies play….

  1. anne

    Oh yes while the boys are away the girls will play!! Thanks Geoff once again, for making it possible, had a fab time, staying at yours is like being in a hotel…love it. ๐Ÿ™‚

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