Sally Twitter’s for 2008-06-23

  • @GeoffJones Fab morning here too have a great day… Woburn looks great πŸ™‚ #
  • Anne about to have her massage πŸ™‚ #
  • Coffee in SAVINO’S before anne goes home to oxford #
  • Home sitting in the sun and reading my book for a while before i catch up with all my blogging πŸ™‚ #
  • saving petrol no gym tonight so going for walk… unlike Geoff i hate walking on my own. #
  • Out and about in Gayton – photo at #
  • Sun set over the village – photo at #
  • great mobile reception till the moment i walk into house then nothing πŸ™ radio reception bad too norfolk is so backwards πŸ™ #
  • @annie2000 nice to be able to treat you to a massage πŸ™‚ #
  • @annie2000 maybe you should do the course then i could get a massage too instead of doing them for other people all the time. #

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