Sally Twitter’s for 2008-02-05

  • off to the hairdressers…. love getting my hair washed 🙂 #
  • off for a jog before it gets dark….. #
  • making pancakes now 🙂 #
  • @annie2000 give me 5 mins 🙂 #
  • got my skype phone working on my laptop just ned to test it now 🙂 #
  • @ annie 2000 if i can get reconnected #

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3 thoughts on “Sally Twitter’s for 2008-02-05

  1. sally

    Hi Ellee was a shame about last week-end but sssooo nice to See Geoff…. cannot do this Sunday as spending week-end with Anne…..

  2. Ellee

    I can’t remember the last time I went to the hairdresser, before I married I think, I have a mobile lady come to my house and see my hair and the boys.

    I’m hoping to do a 7 mile walk from Wimpole Hall estate on Sunday if you are up for it Sally, make up for last weekend when we missed meeting up.

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