- Really missing my twitters coming to my phone 🙁 #
- off to get my hair cut soon :-0 #
- Sorted my twitters…. happy now 🙂 #
- Yes anne catch you later at hairdresser now 😉 #
- cook dinner… College homework and yogalates thats the plan for this evening #
- done my yogalates for today 🙂 #
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Thanks Sally, I thought it might be, as you may know, I already go to Pilates. I wonder what fitness class will come out next. Yoga seems to have survived.
Ellee yogalates is a combination of yoga and Pilates and I am addicted already 🙂 will really compliment my jogging and gym work and best of all i can do it at home when ever i want too 🙂
Sally, what is yogalates? Can we see a pic of you in action?