Geoff and the GR10

While in Cambridge this week-end I have been helping Geoff get ready to go off on his travels.DSCF0774

On Tuesday he flies out to Biarritz to start the GR10 walk across the French Pyrenees.

He would love to walk the whole 500 miles but wont have time as he wants to be home for my Birthday .

He has been very naughty and booked a real treat for my birthday, I have no idea what it is ,but his daughter Emily says I will be over whelmed when I find out.

It goes with out saying that I will miss Geoff while he is away but he will have a fabulous time and I cannot wait to hear all about it.

Its my job to keep you all updated with any news 

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4 thoughts on “Geoff and the GR10

  1. lady macleod

    Excellent. I will want to hear it all as I wish I was with him! Sounds like you are in for quite the birthday my friend! I should think the anticipation will be part of the gift. Have you thought of bribing Emily? 🙂

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