Highly Recommended

Having just got my Membership for the Arts Cinema in Cambridge,  another gift 🙂

We decided we would go and see The Bourne Ultimatum and I can tell you it was 3356759sfantastic the best film I have seen for ages….puts James Bond to shame.

It was so good I need to see the first two films as well , Bourne Identity and Bourne Supremacy

I told my sons how good this film was and how I need to see the others, by the time I got home from Cambridge the other two films were sat in my house waiting for me.

Now I just have to find the time to watch them, a hard task for me but maybe tomorrow I will watch one with them.

A good web site for movies is  The Internet Movie Database… IMDb

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7 thoughts on “Highly Recommended

  1. sally

    Pete… we have just watched them both one after the other and really enjoyed them, they are now back in my bag to bring home… many Thanks

  2. Felicity Richmond

    Hey Sally, Bourne Identity & Bourne Supremacy have been on ITV2 for the last 2 nights, i had seen the Identity before (a couple of times) and loved it, anyway both Matt & i are very excited about watching the Bourne Ultimatum – thanks for the film review!!… My first blog review 🙂

  3. sally

    Ellee, sunflowers are in a field along the A10 just outside Cambridge. They are my favorite flower so i just had to stop and take some pics……..

  4. Ellee

    Sally, every day seems to be your birthday, you lucky girl. Glad to hear you are being spoilt by your sons as well as Geoff. I’m hoping to see Bourne Identity this week too.
    I like the sunflower pics, they are fab.

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