More news from Corsica

Not sure I should be reading all of this but then I did ask for the information in the first place.

This is what campers 185 has to say about his trip and more here.

Glad to say I will be traveling much lighter than he was.

He was carrying 28kg, my ruc-sac will weigh no more than 12kg

we are not taking any cooking stuff, intending to eat at the refuges, and just carry a few days spare food for emergency’s.

We cannot make our minds up about taking the tent , after reading this Geoff will probably decide not to take it.

Must say that bridge looks well scary…..

16 days and counting…. 🙂

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8 thoughts on “More news from Corsica

  1. Geoff

    Thats great Ed and such a light pack, Mine was at 9.7kg inc tent on our last trip.
    We will be on the 17.30 ferry out of Nice to Calvi on Saturday 16th ready for an early start on the 17th. Bit concerned about the snow however 🙁

  2. ed

    We are starting the GR20 on the 16th too – South to North. There was a lot of snow last week apparently, although it is warming up now (Meteo France).

    We are camping and my sack weighs in at about 6Kg – that is without a shared tent.

    See you as we (hopefully) pass in the middle!

  3. Liz

    There is absolutely no way you would get me across that bridge! Especially not with Husband, who knowingmy dislike of bridges, jumps up on down on them to make them shake.

  4. Philip

    It is good to be back in Cambridge where the bridges have stood the test of time for centuries. Also it is not far to fall. Keep training whilst the great walker is in geek heaven but not training!

  5. Lay

    Nah, that’s the spasimata bridge, it is okay really – you need a certain rhythm that’s all. It’s not that high over the river either – but that, of course, means you can see the whites of the crocodile’s eyes below!

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