Eating humble pie…..

When it was suggested I use walking poles for my GR20 trip, I was dead against the idea.

I did a lot of research into using them and it all pointed to using 2 poles.

But still I could not imagine they would make it any easier, I felt I would hate not having my hands free for balance.

When I saw some trekking poles in Aldi I decided to buy them , thinking I would hate them, but at least I could try them with out spending a lot of money.

Now I have to confess …….. I tried them out in the Alps over the week-end and thought they were brilliant , got on far better with them than I ever imagined I would.

Made going up the mountains and down far easier and I had no aches at all.

But I still sweated like a pig… 🙂 🙂

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9 thoughts on “Eating humble pie…..

  1. Pingback: whitespider1066 » Blog Archive » A Forty Pound Tent

  2. sally

    Caroline, The thing i have learnt is that the more expensive kit is usually the best when it comes to clothing. So buy the best you can afford. clothes that are quick drying and high wicking . If like me you cannot afford all expensive stuff concentrate on good boots , socks and a comfy ruc-sac if carrying your kit.
    I have some fab creams for my feet too , will do a post about them.

  3. Caroline

    Am off walking in the Dolomites soon and need to ask you some girlie questions? Apart from getting myself some poles any other suggestions about comfey clothing stuff?

    P.S. So 18 days to go – even I am getting excited

  4. Paul Saunders

    I agree, there’s no reason to use them on the flat. They’re very useful on ascents to help take some of the strain off your leg muscles, keeping them strong for later in the walk. And they’re even more useful on descents to help prevent the dreaded knee problems. If you get the technique right you not only take the strain off the knees but you can descend much faster too.

  5. sally

    Ellee, I would only use them in the hills/mountains…..cannot see what benefit you would get from using them on the flat, unless you had problems with your knees maybe

  6. Weird Darren

    Sally, listen to the two part Wildebeat podcast about them (link on the latest podcast round up on OM). It is all about poles.
    personally I find that they work very well, and when I had problems with my knees they made a big difference. But others have not, so it is each to their own on them. They also can be used with some lightweight tents instead of tent poles, and definitely used with tarps.
    If you move to carbon poles, the Alpkit ones are a real bargain (less than £50 for a pair IIRC).

  7. lady macleod

    They are wonderful aren’t they. I had resisted them for years but I gave in for a climb in Northern India a couple of years ago. They are also useful for fighting off stray mad/mean dogs/men.


    Thanks so much for visiting my site today. When I’m able, I enjoy fast-walking 4 miles a day and that keeps me at my best! I don’t think I’d hold up to the rigors of mountain climbing!!

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