Cleaning and washing……

After a great few days walking its back to cleaning and washing….

Trip back was a long one due to flight delays and buses instead of trains, got to bed gone 2am and I was up at 6am to catch the 7am train to Downham and back to work…. its been along day !!

Just put my photos up on flickr which just made me smile and smile, I am such a lucky Girl 🙂 Hope you enjoy looking at them…

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10 thoughts on “Cleaning and washing……

  1. Brian

    Thats a great pic. I would love to go to Chamonix for a ski trip before I die. That is something that is definitely on my bucket list.

  2. sally

    jmb, yes Chamonix was very beautiful especially with Mont blanc in the back ground.

    Welshcakes, I travel so light when off walking I don’t come back with much washing But my boys make sure I have plenty to do once I get home….their idea of clean and my idea of clean are very different indeed !!!

  3. jmb

    That sound like a very strenuous trip and then back to work after no sleep!
    The last time I was in Chamonix was a while ago, maybe 8 or 9 years. I was staying in Italy with my daughter’s inlaws and we drove through the tunnel to reach France and had lunch in Chamonix at an outdoor restaurant. It was a fabulous day and a fabulously beautiful spot.

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